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It depends on the type of fast you are doing and the ingredients in the mushroom tincture.
Some types of fasts allow for the consumption of certain non-caloric beverages or supplements, while others require complete abstention from food and drink.
Type of fast:
If you are doing a water fast, for example, consuming a mushroom tincture would likely break the fast as it is not water.
On the other hand, if you are doing a dry fast (abstaining from both food and drink), consuming a mushroom tincture would also break the fast as it is a form of liquid.
If you are doing a different type of fast that allows for the consumption of non-caloric beverages or supplements, you may be able to consume a mushroom tincture without breaking the fast, depending on the ingredients.
Some mushroom tinctures may contain other ingredients such as alcohol or sweeteners, which could break a fast that only allows for the consumption of pure water.
It is important to carefully read the rules of your fast and understand the ingredients in any supplements you are considering taking before making a decision.
If you are unsure whether a mushroom tincture would be allowed during your fast, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional or the person who recommended the fast to you.