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As we age, normal everyday tasks often become more challenging. Health often starts to decline as well.
This can produce stress that makes life even more difficult for seniors. If you or a loved one is experiencing aging issues, No Ordinary Moments has some suggestions that can brighten your outlook.
What Are Common Stressors?
Most people are used to taking care of themselves in every way. Losing some of those abilities can be very depressing. Seniors can have trouble with things they’ve done throughout their lives, such as:
- Driving
- Cooking and cleaning
- Managing their finances
- Working
- Remembering things
It’s difficult to accept that you’re not as nimble as you used to be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a full life. In addition, many seniors worry about things like:
- Disease, illness, and dementia
- Long-term care
- Housing
- Retirement savings and overall finances
- Healthcare insurance and costs
- Losing a spouse
All of these are valid concerns, but help is available to those who need it.
What Health Issues Do Seniors Face?
Everyone is unique, so their bodies age differently. However, advancing age often affects:
- Bladder and urinary tract
- Bones, muscles, and joints
- Cardiovascular system
- Digestive system
- Hearing, teeth, and vision
- Skin
- Thought processes and memory
Seeing medical professionals for regular checkups and following their advice is a vital part of staying healthy.
How Do You Start Your Day?
When a morning starts slowly and without routine, it can lead to a depressing day. You may not have to punch a time clock anymore, but you can still create and implement a healthy morning routine. Consider doing things like:
- Eating a healthy breakfast
- Thinking positively and meditating
- Reading a good book
- Going outside for a short walk or a breath of fresh air
- Solving word or number puzzles to keep your mind sharper
How Can Seniors Improve Their Health?
You may not be able to regain a youthful feeling, but people of all ages can benefit from following these tips.
It’s tempting after retirement to take it easy. Relaxation is great to a point, but too much of it can have a derogatory effect on your health. Studies have shown that staying active can help not just physically but mentally as well.
Getting enough sleep is crucial for those of any age. Some seniors find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Consider listening to relaxing music or asking your physician for medication to help.
Eating healthy foods regularly and drinking enough water is very important. If you’re unable to eat for some reason, you can drink meal replacement shakes until your appetite returns. Consult your doctor if this condition lasts.
Reduce Stress
Some stress is unavoidable, but you can make a conscious effort to avoid upsetting things and develop new coping skills. You can talk to a licensed therapist. Other suggestions include:
- Let natural light into your home
- Talk to family or friends regularly
- Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
- Listen to music or watch a funny TV show
- Adopt a pet
- Practice positive thinking
If your stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help!
Are You Motivated?
Although many seniors have valid concerns about their conditions and futures, there are things you can do to improve your health and overall outlook.
Keep in mind that what works well for one person may not be a good choice for another.
Many resources are available, so seek assistance if you need it.
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Written by Jason Lewis